How to lose weight with dumbbells belly. Are there only dumbbells? Weight loss exercises for you! Deadlift for glutes

Strength exercises are a great help for losing weight. To perform them, sports equipment is often used, in particular dumbbells. An undeniable advantage of training with dumbbells is that many muscle groups are involved. Such workouts burn a large amount of fat, so Burns about three hundred calories in half an hour. In addition, exercises with dumbbells improve posture and speed up metabolism.

Exercises with dumbbells for weight loss for women

Basic principles of exercises

To maximize the effect of exercises with dumbbells for weight loss for women, you should remember the following principles:

  • The weight of the projectiles should be approximately 2-5 kilograms. The smaller one will not be beneficial, the larger one is used to build muscle mass.
  • It is best to use collapsible dumbbells - they are more convenient to use. Start with the smallest weight and gradually increase it; in the case of collapsible dumbbells, you don’t have to buy several sets.
  • For gaining muscle mass, speed is not so important, but for losing weight it is necessary do the exercises very quickly taking very short rest breaks.
  • There should be as many repetitions as possible, at least twelve. The more repetitions, the greater the effect, but you should not get carried away with the same exercise.
  • Before training, you definitely need a warm-up, which focuses on stretching. You can also do jumping rope and light running. It is also recommended to end the session with stretching.

Keeping these principles in mind will definitely help you achieve the desired result.

Exercises with dumbbells for weight loss for girls

Exercises with dumbbells for weight loss

Exercises with dumbbells for weight loss for girls are varied and aimed at almost all areas of the body. They begin to perform them “from top to bottom,” from shoulders to feet.

  • Hands holding dumbbells and raise it above the head, lead to the back of the head, after which it is raised again. The dumbbells are not separated during execution.
  • The arms are raised, with the shoulders and forearms forming a right angle. Stretch up until your arms are straightened with dumbbells.
  • Twisting. It has the best effect on losing belly fat. Starting position: sitting, stomach tense. Feet are off the floor, one dumbbell at chest level. In this pose, twists are performed in different directions. At the same time they change hands.
  • Typically, this exercise is performed with dumbbells weighing two kilograms. The arms are extended along the body, bending as low as possible. Repeat at least fifteen times to the left and fifteen to the right.
  • Press. A standard press is performed, but dumbbells are pressed to the chest.
  • Jumping over dumbbells. The shells are hardly placed on the floor. Jump over them on both legs for two minutes.
  • Squats. You can perform various types of squats, complementing the exercises with dumbbells. For example, your back is straight, feet shoulder-width apart, dumbbells in bent arms. Slowly lower, with the toes pointing to the sides.
  • Lunges. Perform regular lunges, but hold dumbbells in your hands. Their weight depends on physical fitness and can range, as mentioned above, from two to five kilograms.

The exercises are not very difficult and many of them are already familiar, the only difference is that weights are used when performing them.

Effective fitness with dumbbells for women for weight loss - circuit training

A set of seven very effective exercises. These movements target all problem areas of a woman and quickly lead to excellent results. All you need is not to be lazy and do all the exercises correctly.

Weight loss - fitness with dumbbells for women

You will need a mat or towel and a pair of dumbbells weighing up to 3 kg.

You can replace them with a couple of large water bottles. Do 25 sets of each exercise and immediately move on to the next one. Having completed the entire complex, rest for 2 minutes, then start over. You need to do three circles in total.

This type of training is called circuit training. and allows you not only to strengthen muscles, but also burn excess fat. As a result, you lose weight and acquire a seductive figure. The complex should be performed at least three times a week, interrupting only for one day. After a month, you can slightly increase the weight of the dumbbells or add three repetitions in all exercises.


We start with four deep breaths. Then we move on to the march, gradually increasing the tempo. We actively dance to music for 15 minutes, then carefully stretch the main muscle groups. If you have an exercise bike or mini-stepper at home, you can start your warm-up with them. It is very effective to train outside. Before exercise, go for a short run or jump rope.

Exercise one - slender legs

Squats. We take dumbbells in our hands, place our feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel. We squat, moving our buttocks back and slightly tilting our straight back forward, as if you want to sit on a stool. When we rise, we transfer our body weight to our heels, but do not lift our toes off.

Exercise two - fighting with the "breeches"

We perform ballet plie. Stand up straight, place your feet wider than your shoulders, and turn your toes out 45 degrees. We hold dumbbells in our lowered hands. We imagine that there is a wall behind us. We go down, spread our knees to the sides, but don’t touch this wall! Squeeze your buttocks with all your might and push your pelvis forward. When we rise, we will transfer the body weight to the outer parts of the feet and heels. Don't let your hips drop low.

Exercise three - strong buttocks

Lunges. We stand in a lunge, while bending the knee of the front leg at a right angle. The back leg is straightened and rests on the toe. We lower the knee of the back leg down, but do not touch the floor with it. The body is perfectly straight, we don’t lean forward. It is very important to maintain the center of gravity on the front heel of the foot when lifting.

Exercise four - graceful hands

We stand straight, knees slightly bent, feet shoulder-width apart. Then we take dumbbells, press our elbows to our torso and turn our palms forward. We bend our arms all the way up, without lifting our elbows, and straighten them. Having completed all the repetitions, we linger at the top point, count to 10 and extend our arms.

Exercise five - “sharpening” the back of the hand

The starting position is the same. We raise our arm from the dumbbells above our head, and with the other hand we fix the elbow on the outside. Bend your arm and lower the dumbbell down behind your head. Don't move your elbow and don't bend your lower back! After completing all the repetitions, change hands.

Exercise six - narrow waist

Standing, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees and push your pelvis forward. Maintaining this position, we lean to the side, stretching our right straight arm up and to the left above our head, and with our left hand, on the contrary, down and to the right behind our back. Let's spring to the side and down, up to thirty times in each direction. We add five “springs” every week, bringing their number to 100.

Exercise seven - flat stomach

Lie down on the floor, bend your legs and pull your knees to your chest. Palms behind the head at the back of the head. We spread our elbows, chin pointing to the ceiling. We lift the shoulder blades off the floor with an exhalation, while using the force of the press to lift the tailbone and buttocks up. We return with a breath to the floor. Don't lift your lower back off the floor!


We lie down on the floor and stretch well. We pull the right knee to the chest, then straighten the leg up and pull it towards ourselves. The same movements - on the other leg. Then we sit down cross-legged, stretch our arms up, to the sides and back. Place your bent right elbow to your side and stretch your left hand to the right, while not lifting your buttocks off the floor. Repeat on the other side. We carefully stand up and take several deep breaths. Class over!

These exercises work great on all problem areas of women and quickly give wonderful results!

Do you want to make your body fit and athletic, but without losing your femininity? The right dumbbell exercises for women are what you need! A mini-set of 6 exercises will completely transform your figure and make you stronger.

Choosing dumbbell weights

What weight is optimal for training with dumbbells? Most trainers believe that you should start with a weight that you can comfortably hold at arm's length. For most women this is 5 kg.

In order to get constant progress from training with dumbbells, you need to periodically increase the load. There are two options for this. First, you can increase the number of approaches. Aim for at least 2 sets of 12 reps. Secondly, you can increase weight. It is recommended to increase it by 1–1.5 kg every 2–3 months.

When can you increase weight? Pay close attention to how you feel during the activity. If you easily perform all the exercises with dumbbells for women from the complex presented below and only get tired at the end of the second approach, feel free to take heavier dumbbells.

Training program

Start with light stretching. Stand up straight, clasp your hands and extend them in front of you. Bend your knees slightly. Stretch your arms forward, round your back. After 10 seconds, stretch up, stretching your spine well. Then clasp your hands behind your back and move them back.

Now you are ready to train with dumbbells.

Lateral lunges for legs and buttocks + biceps

  1. Take the weight in your hands and spread your legs wide. Bend your elbows and press them to your waist. The movement you will perform combines all the most effective ones.
  2. Alternately bend your knees, making smooth side lunges with your right and left legs. When one leg is bent, the other should be absolutely straight. Shift your weight to your new supporting leg by working your gluteal muscles. In this case, this exercise for the buttocks will not overstrain the back muscles.
  3. After several repetitions, use your arms. As you lunge, bend and straighten your elbows, pulling the dumbbells toward your chest. Elbows should be at the waist.

Deadlift for glutes

  1. Stand straight, feet hip-width apart, bend your knees slightly and lean your body forward. Take dumbbells in your hands and lower them down in front of you.
  2. Now lower your straight body forward without changing the position of your legs. Movement occurs at the hip joint. The dumbbells actually glide across the surface of your legs.
  3. Return to the starting position using force.

Dumbbell flyes for back muscles

For the next dumbbell exercise for women, change your starting position slightly.

  1. Place your feet hip-width apart and bend your knees slightly. Straighten your back and slightly lean your body forward, bringing your shoulder blades together. Tighten your stomach. The top of the head should stretch forward and upward.
  2. Extend your arms straight in front of you. Relax them by slightly bending your elbows.
  3. Start raising your arms to the sides with your elbows up.

We straighten our elbows - the triceps work

Remaining in the same position, bend your arms. Now you will strengthen your triceps by training with dumbbells.

  1. Without changing the position of your elbows, extend your arms back. Here, as in all other exercises, technique is very important. The arms do not dangle, the elbows are fixed at the waist, there is no movement in the shoulder joint. Only the elbow joint works.
  2. Don't forget to keep your lower back tight as well.

Arm curl for chest muscles

After finishing the previous exercise with dumbbells for women, place stools or use a bench. You need to lie on your back so that you can spread your arms so that your elbows are below the line of your body.

  1. In the starting position, you lie on your back, arms with dumbbells raised in front of you. Bend your elbows slightly and turn them outward. We do not straighten our elbows throughout the entire exercise. This will protect you from joint injury.
  2. Exhale, and as you inhale, move your arms down. On your next exhalation, bring them together.

Crunches for chest and abs

The last combined exercise with dumbbells for women is aimed at strengthening the abs and.

  1. Lie on your back and raise your knees bent, parallel to the floor. Straighten your arms with dumbbells and spread them to the sides.
  2. As you exhale, straighten your legs diagonally. Lift your head and shoulder girdle off the floor and bring your arms together in front of you.
  3. As you inhale, slowly return to the starting position.

The workout with dumbbells ends with stretching. Get down on the floor and spread your legs as wide as possible. Without bending your back, lower yourself first to your left leg and then to your right. Hold each stretch for 20 seconds. After this, stretch your arms up and stretch your spine.

You can diversify this program by including your favorite exercises to work certain muscle groups. Comprehensive training will allow you to tone your entire body in a short time and significantly improve your well-being and mood. Exercises with dumbbells for women are actually no different from men's. Therefore, if your friend periodically goes to the gym, ask him to arrange a small master class. The editors of the site offer you some useful tips that will help make strength training as effective as possible.

How to structure a workout with dumbbells so that it brings maximum benefits?

  1. Spend the first five to ten minutes of your workout doing warm-up exercises. Warming up prepares the body for stress and reduces the risk of injury. Start with the joints and spine. Continue your warm-up with cardio and finish with some stretching. The purpose of pre-workout stretching is to warm up your muscles and reduce the likelihood of injury that can occur when performing intense strength exercises with dumbbells. For women, preliminary warm-up is especially important, since their muscles are weaker than those of men and it is very easy to get injured when working with weights. It is not recommended to place long-term cardio training before strength training, since then your body simply will not have any resources left for strength work.
  2. The main secret to a beautiful body is to make sports a part of your life. Do workouts with dumbbells 3 times a week, making sure to take breaks between them. A break is needed so that the muscles have time to recover. If you want to exercise more often or are trying to lose weight, add 3 hours of aerobic exercise. This is enough to feel the fat-burning effect and improve the result.
  3. Work in a mode that is comfortable for you. To get started, it is enough to perform 1-2 sets of 10-12 repetitions of each exercise with dumbbells. Initially, the recommended weight of dumbbells for women is three to five kilograms. As your muscles get stronger, you can increase the load by adding weight or increasing the number of sets.
  4. Even the most effective dumbbell training program will not produce results with incorrect breathing technique. Remember that effort is always made while exhaling. It is necessary to relax the muscles while inhaling.
  5. Track your progress properly. Regular exercises with dumbbells help quickly tone your body. But at the same time, the numbers on the scales may increase. This will be associated with muscle growth. Watch your diet, consider your aerobic exercise and don’t forget to measure your body volume once a month.

If you perform each weight loss dumbbell exercise correctly, you will get impressive results! In a few months, your body will completely change and your health will improve significantly.

It seems that there is no woman who, at some point in her life, would not be faced with the need maintaining beauty own body. In particular, we are talking about getting rid of excess weight. In this field of incessant battle, representatives of the fair sex use all kinds of means: diets, fitness, active housework and many others. Success can, if desired, be achieved by each of the above methods, but the most effective of them has not yet been named - this exercises with dumbbells.

Why are dumbbells a necessary thing for those who lose weight at home?

– this is stress for the body. And strength exercises deprive the body of femininity. Or not?

This is common delusion. Regular training will not only not deprive your body of elegance, but will also allow you to maintain it longer.

However, visiting gyms and fitness clubs takes time, a lot of money, and thereby turns off many women. Therefore, a reasonable alternative is .

Aren't you able to do a small set of exercises on your own every day? Of course they are capable. And at the same time, you won’t need to fill your entire apartment with exercise equipment. Enough get dumbbells.

Dumbbells are an essential element of home fitness. They will become your true friends in the struggle for a healthy body and a toned figure.

What weight of dumbbells do you need for weight loss exercises?

  • When choosing the weight of shells, first of all, focus on your own power capabilities.
  • Choosing dumbbells in a store, don't be fooled by their ease. Remember that you have to perform long approaches with them.
  • If you are going to do home gymnastics for the first time, then dumbbells would be the best option. weighing 2-3 kg. In the future, you can increase the weight at your own discretion. to 10 and more than a kilogram.
  • It is most practical to purchase typed shells, since you will want to increase the load after a month of daily training.

A set of exercises with dumbbells

I would like to immediately note that the proposed set of exercises with dumbbells is ideal for women and girls who prefer to exercise themselves not only in the gym, but also at home.

For firm breasts

First exercise:

  1. Take one dumbbell.
  2. Straighten your back. Place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  3. Grasping the projectile with both hands, pull them forward parallel to the floor.
  4. Slowly bend your elbows, pulling the dumbbell towards your chest as far as possible.
  5. Execute from 15 before 20 once.

Second exercise:

  1. Take both dumbbells.
  2. Straighten your back. Feet shoulder width apart.
  3. Extend your arms at chest level and parallel to the floor.
  4. Spread your arms in different directions without bending your elbows.
  5. Return your hands to the starting position.
  6. Do 8-10 repetitions.

Third exercise:

  1. Take two dumbbells and a small pillow.
  2. Lie on your back and bend your knees, keeping your feet flat on the floor.
  3. Place a pillow under your back so that you cannot reach the floor with your elbows.
  4. Straightening your elbows, lift the weights above you.
  5. As you lower your arms, spread your elbows.
  6. Perform 15 times in one approach.

For firm hips
  1. Take two dumbbells.
  2. Straighten your back. Place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  3. Stretch your arms parallel to the floor.
  4. Bend your knees to a half squat position.
  5. Fix your body in this position 2 seconds.
  6. Take the original position.
  7. Cycle - 8-10 times.

For slender legs

First exercise:

  1. Take 2 dumbbells.
  2. Put feet shoulder width apart.
  3. Place your arms along your body.
  4. Maintaining your position, squat down.
  5. Hold in the lower position for a couple of seconds.
  6. Repeat 20 times.

Second exercise:

  1. Straighten your back and place your feet together
  2. Stretch your arms with dumbbells above your head
  3. Lunge with your right leg and at the same time bend your left knee. Synchronously lower your arms down until you bring them together
  4. Do 10 lunges on each leg

For a thin waist
  1. Take two dumbbells.
  2. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your arms along your body
  3. Raise one of your arms above your head
  4. Bend in the direction opposite to the raised arm
  5. Do 10 tilts one way, then 10 the other

For hands

Always start with a warm-up. Warm up your muscles and tendons. Do not waste time on this process, because... neglect can result in injury. You can also do some simple exercises without dumbbells. Running in place, push-ups, squats, etc. are suitable.

You should not start training after less than two hours after eating.

After completing all the complexes, it is advisable to do some stretching to relax the muscles after the load.

Common mistakes when doing exercises at home

You quickly learn from your bumps, but it’s better to avoid them if possible. You will have it if you read the list of tips based on common mistakes:

  • Don't do the exercises automatically. Concentration on the actions being performed is required.
  • Relax. Excessive tension can lead to unwanted injuries.
  • Do not use one weight for different muscles. This can lead to sprains and various tissue damage. Try to find the appropriate weight for each muscle group.

That's all. Let workout with dumbbells will become for you good habit, which will preserve your beauty unfading for a long time.

Exercises with dumbbells, however, like other strength exercises, are extremely useful for the human body, they help to achieve a beautiful and well-balanced figure, strengthen joints and ligaments, and improve overall physical condition. And at the same time, they effectively fight extra pounds. Many people avoid strength training for fear of gaining muscle. However, it is not that simple. To create sculpted muscles, you need impressive weight and a special diet.

The great advantage of dumbbells is that you can always buy them for home workouts. When working out in the gym, you can always choose equipment to suit your taste and weight.

A set of effective exercises with dumbbells at home

Before you start training with dumbbells, you need to understand what result you want to achieve. For example, if you want to tighten your hips and buttocks, then you need to focus on lunges and squats with weights. If your priority is the stomach, then do crunches. If your goal is a uniform effect, then you need to choose a set of exercises that would cover all the muscle groups that are important to you.

Before you begin the actual exercises, you need to do a good warm-up. In the case of dumbbells, you should pay great attention to stretching. It warms up the muscles well and promotes their fruitful work. Muscles should be worked from top to bottom.

For slimming the belly and sides

  1. The arms are lowered along the body, holding two-kilogram dumbbells. Tilt to the right, try to go as low as possible so that you can feel the side muscles. For each side you need to do 15 exercises in 4 approaches.
  2. The exercise is performed on widely spaced, bent legs. Dumbbells in hands. Pull your right arm to the side so that the oblique abdominal muscles are strongly stretched. In this case, the hand should not suddenly throw to the side; first you need to pull the hand, and then the body. Hands need to be pulled to the sides alternately. Repeat 20 times in 4 sets.
  3. One hand holds the support, the other is on the shoulder with dumbbells. At the same time, lift your leg back 45 degrees and help with your waist. Perform 3-4 hikes 20 times.

Hand exercises

  1. The elbows are pressed to the body, the palms with the projectile are open to the side. Raise your hands to your shoulders. The elbows should remain motionless while performing this exercise. Repeat 30 times.
  2. Squat down and pick up the projectile. Slowly bend your elbows. In this case, you need to press your forearms to your sides and pull your abs in. When your hands reach the top point, slowly lower them to the starting position. Repeat 20 times.
  3. Lunge onto your left leg. Lower yourself so that the bend of your leg is parallel to the floor. The body must remain straight. Stretch your arms with the apparatus along your body. During the exercise, your arms must be spread to the sides until they are parallel to the floor, and then slowly lower them to the starting position. Repeat 20 times. You can stretch your arms not only to the sides, but also forward, but this is a different exercise. will be more effective if performed regularly.

For the back

  1. Place a stable support in front of you (you can use a chair) and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Take the projectile in one hand, rest the other on the seat of the chair. The hand with the dumbbell is lowered, the back is straight. Move your elbow back, smoothly pulling your arm towards your chest. Return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times for each hand.
  2. Take dumbbells in your hands, stand straight, spread your feet shoulder-width apart. Turn your arms palms forward, raise your arms to the sides until they are parallel to the floor, then bend them at the elbows and pull them to your chest. Return to the starting position. Repeat 20 times.
  3. Lie on your back. Stretch your arms with the apparatus in front of your chest. Slowly throw your straight arms behind your head, and then also slowly return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.
  4. Lie on your back, place your feet on the floor, and bend your knees. Straighten your arms with the projectile and lift them up. Place one hand behind your head and the other to your hip. Return to the starting position. Change the direction of arm movement and repeat the exercise. Perform 10 times.
  5. Stand up straight, spread your feet shoulder-width apart, hold the apparatus in your hands, lean forward and lower your arms down. Make sure your back remains straight. Perform back turns to the right and left. Repeat 20 times.

For slender legs

  1. Take two dumbbells in your hands. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Lower your arms along your body. Fix the position and sit down. Stay at the bottom for a few seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat 20 times.
  2. Straighten up and bring your legs together. Stretch your arms with dumbbells above your head. Lunge onto your right leg and bend your left knee. Simultaneously lower both hands down until they touch each other. Repeat 10 lunges for each leg. As a completion of the workout, you can, this will enhance the effect of the workout.

For buttocks and thighs

  1. Spread your legs wide and turn your feet outward. Squat down with a straight back, holding the apparatus below in your hands between your feet. The sumo squat is considered a similar exercise; the technique differs only in moving the pelvis back in the squat.
  2. Lunges have long been recognized as the best exercise. Take dumbbells and press your hands to your body. Lunge with your right leg and squat down on it. The left leg remains behind and rests on the toe. The angle in both knees should be straight. The correct distance between the legs is as follows: the knee of the left leg does not extend beyond the line of the toe of the right leg. Return to the starting position by pushing off with your working leg. Perform a full set on your right leg and switch positions.
  3. Squats. There are different techniques for performing exercises depending on the position of the apparatus. Hands with dumbbells can be placed on your shoulders or on your sides, you can also put one hand behind your head. When performing squats, you must keep your back straight. Move your pelvis back, in the lower position your thigh should be parallel to the floor.
  4. You can increase the load when squats by leaving, for example, your right leg behind on the bench. The body position will be similar to that of lunges. A distance of one step should be maintained between the body and the bench. Turn your foot on the bench with your heel up and bend your leg at the knee. If this is your first time doing this exercise and you find the loads difficult, you can slightly increase the distance between your body and the bench. Place your hands with the apparatus along your body. Practice one approach and change your working leg.
  5. Fix your hands with the projectile on your shoulders, or put them behind your head. Tilt your body forward 45 degrees and move your pelvis back. Step to the side and do a squat on your right leg. Focus your body weight on one leg. Fully straighten your left leg. Return to the starting position and repeat the complex for the second leg. While performing the exercise, make sure that your foot does not leave the floor.

Video: weight loss workout with dumbbells at home

Since muscles become stiff and lose their tone with age, we have to look for new methods to improve their function. Of course, the best way is regular training. Exercises with weights force the muscles to work harder, overcoming a certain resistance. Just 20 minutes of strength training 2-3 times a week will help develop muscle strength. You will learn how best to train by watching the following video.
