This is a forward bend from a standing position. Bends forward from a standing and sitting position

Compliance with the standard of the VFSK "GTO"
“Bend forward from a standing position with straight legs.”
Execution technique, stage judging,
ways to develop flexibility in school-age children
Zakharova Tatyana Sergeevna,

Nadyrshin Artur Muharrmovich,
physical education teacher MBOU secondary school No. 38
One of the mandatory tests (tests) of the VFSK GTO is “Bending forward from a position, standing with straight legs on a gymnastic bench.” We will talk about how the standard is met, what main mistakes test participants make, as well as how to prepare for the tests and thereby improve your results.
Bend forward from a standing position with straight legs is performed from the IP: standing on the floor or gymnastic bench, legs straightened at the knees, feet parallel at a width of 10 - 15 cm.
When performing a test on the floor, the participant, on command, performs two preliminary bends. At the third tilt, he touches the floor with the fingers or palms of both hands and records the result for 2 s.
When performing a test on a gymnastic bench, upon command, the participant performs two preliminary inclinations, sliding his fingers along the measurement ruler. During the third bend, the participant bends as much as possible and records the result for 2 s. The amount of flexibility is measured in centimeters. The result above the level of the gymnastic bench is determined by the “-” sign, below - by the “+” sign.
1) bending the legs at the knees;
2) fixing the result with the fingers of one hand;
3) failure to record the result within 2 s.
According to the methodological recommendations for organizing the judging of events of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (RLD), the judging team consisting of a senior sports judge for the type of test of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex GTO, a judge on the apparatus, a secretary, a judge for the participants and an assistant judge for the participants - A volunteer can simultaneously accept standards from 2 participants of the complex. The maximum number of participants in one day for the refereeing team is 300-350, after which the team should be replaced.
Flexibility is one of the five basic physical qualities of a person. It is characterized by the degree of mobility of the musculoskeletal system and the ability to perform movements with a large amplitude. This physical quality must be developed from early childhood and systematically.
The external manifestation of flexibility reflects internal changes in the muscles, joints, and cardiovascular system. Insufficient flexibility leads to irregularities in posture, osteochondrosis, salt deposits, and changes in gait. Insufficient analysis of flexibility in athletes leads to injury, as well as imperfect technique.
Children are more flexible than adults. It is best to develop this quality at the age of 11-14 years. Usually in girls and young women this quality is 20-25% more pronounced than in boys and young men. Flexibility increases with age until approximately 17-20 years, after which the range of human movements decreases due to age-related changes. Women have 20-30% more flexibility than men. The mobility of joints in people of the asthenic type is less than in people with a muscular and pyknic body type. Emotional uplift when excited helps increase flexibility. Under the influence of local fatigue, indicators of active flexibility decrease by 11.6%, and passive flexibility increase by 9.5%. The highest indicators of flexibility are recorded from 12 to 17 hours of the day and in conditions of elevated ambient temperature.
To successfully pass the test and receive a well-deserved TRP badge, we offer exercises to develop flexibility:
Let's warm up on a treadmill, exercise bike, or simply run in place for 5-7 minutes;
Starting position – sitting on the floor, straight legs apart as wide as possible. Bend your torso forward as low as possible, stretch smoothly, “spring” with a small amplitude, return to the starting position, now bend over one leg and the other, repeat this exercise 20-50 times;
Starting position – sitting on the floor, straight legs together. Bend as low as possible, trying to reach your toes with your fingers, do not bend your knees, “spring” 10-50 times.
Starting position: sitting on the floor with your knees bent and your feet pressed tightly together. Palms on feet. Elbows rest on knees. Using your elbows, slowly press on your knees, tilting your torso forward. The back should be straight at all times. Having reached the maximum possible muscle stretch, fix the position for a few seconds, gradually increasing the tension time to a minute;
Stand up straight. Slowly move your legs out to the sides so far that you feel the stretch in the muscles of your inner thighs. As a result, an angle of 120-140 should form between the legs. The back is straight. When you feel tension, hold the position for 5-30 seconds. Every day, try to spread your legs wider and increase the interval of immobility.
Daily complexes for developing flexibility performed by students every day will help them independently prepare for taking the test.

Attached files

Bend forward from a standing position with straight legs is performed from the IP: standing on the floor or gymnastic bench, legs straightened at the knees, feet parallel at a width of 10 - 15 cm.

When performing a test on the floor, the participant, on command, performs two preliminary bends. On the third tilt, he touches the floor with the fingers or palms of both hands and records the result for 2 seconds.

When performing a test on a gymnastic bench, upon command, the participant performs two preliminary inclinations, sliding his fingers along the measurement ruler. On the third bend, the participant bends as much as possible and records the result for 2 seconds. The amount of flexibility is measured in centimeters. The result above the level of the gymnastic bench is determined by the – sign, below - by the + sign.

1) bending the legs at the knees;

2) fixing the result with the fingers of one hand;

3) failure to record the result within 2 seconds.

13. Throwing a tennis ball at a target

A tennis ball (57 g) is thrown at a target from a distance of 6 m into a gymnastic hoop (90 cm in diameter) mounted on the wall. The lower edge of the hoop is at a height of 2 m from the floor.

The participant is given the right to perform five throws. The number of hits in the area limited by the hoop is counted (hitting the edge of the hoop counts in favor of the participant).

14. Throwing sports equipment at a distance

Throwing a sports projectile (weighing 150, 500, 700 g) at a distance is carried out in a stadium or any flat area in a corridor 15 m wide. The length of the corridor is set depending on the preparedness of the participants.

Throwing is performed from a place or a direct run-up using the “from behind the back over the shoulder” method. Other throwing methods are prohibited.

The participant is given the right to perform three throws. The best result counts. The measurement is taken from the throwing line to the landing point of the projectile.

Sports projectiles are designed specifically for use in sports competitions and have a specific shape and optimal weight to ensure the best flight range. Participants of the II - IV stages of the Complex throw a ball weighing 150 g, participants of the V - VII stages of the Complex throw a sports equipment weighing 700 and 500 g (men and women, respectively).

15. Swimming 10, 15, 25, 50 m

Swimming is carried out in 25 or 50 m pools and specially equipped places on reservoirs. It is allowed to start from a bedside table, side or from the water. Swimming method is arbitrary. The swimmer must touch the wall of the pool with some part of his body at the completion of each segment of the distance and at the finish line.


1) walk along the bottom;

2) use lane dividers or improvised means to promote or maintain buoyancy;

3) when swimming 50 m, the turn is performed in any way with the obligatory touching of the side with hands or feet.

16. Skiing 1, 2, 3, 5 km

Cross-country skiing is carried out in free style over distances run primarily on terrain with weak and moderately rugged terrain. Competitions are held in places sheltered from the wind in accordance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions (Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN

I’ll say right away that people currently suffering from intracranial pressure (expressed in noticeable pressure on the eyeballs, headaches, swelling of the body and general elevated blood pressure) should leave this exercise until “remission”. You need to train the vascular system (there are many ways). But it’s not worth risking such an exercise; any additional unprepared rush of blood to the head in case of high blood pressure can cause rupture of blood vessels... and you know what that is. Therefore, everything that is done is done with intelligence and understanding of one’s CURRENT state.

However, the presence of illnesses and pain is not a reason to lie down and not move; only movement and careful exercises can ultimately get out of any severe and advanced state of illness. The main thing is to read it gently and gradually.

So, bending the body forward, both sitting and standing, is a way to stretch the space of the intervertebral discs, which improves flexibility (due to the work of the ligamentous apparatus), stretches the muscles, improves blood supply and, as a result, improves well-being and prepares for further physical activity. It is recommended to do the exercises in the morning and evening. In the morning, while the spine is most flexible to start the day, in the evening to eliminate “subsidence” (after all, no one has canceled the force of gravity). Standing bends differ from sitting bends mainly in that standing you are helped by the same force of gravity as the one that has been “flattening” you throughout your life. In other words, bending forward is easier! (unless you have the problems described in the first paragraph).

Sitting it looks like this and ideally with constant practice

And so - when we, who do not practice yoga, do

Before bending forward, it would be a good idea to pull your body up, your arms also reaching up. The point of stretching upward (you can do it horizontally, which is even better) is to get your chest and ribs moving so you can work your diaphragm. Take a deep breath as you raise your arm and exhale as you lower it.

IMPORTANT: when people think about how to breathe correctly during exercise in sports, they give different answers and all are unfounded. There is only one rationale for breathing: your body breathes simply: by bending you reduce the volume of your lungs - this is always an exhalation; by straightening - you increase the volume of your lungs - this is an inhalation and nothing else. Everything that is wrong is stopping you!

So, when you “stretched” and “breathed,” according to logic, you inhale and, as you slowly exhale, begin to tilt. Everything here is also simple and in a couple of days you will be able to touch the floor with at least your fingers, and as it should be with your palms (here from yoga you can switch to poses when you step on your hands, when you touch your knees with your head and beyond, it all comes from desire and flexibility and your goals).

Almost like in the picture

A good start is when you already know how to do this, but often due to the fact that we remember that it can do this over time, without checking it, we see that we can’t do it too well, either our legs bend or we touch for a split second:

This is what you need to do:
1) legs are ALWAYS straight.
2) when you start tilting, the body goes back (this is movement compensation to stabilize the “figure”; later you will stand up straight)
3) your hands (hands) should “slide” along your thighs, knees, legs, feet and then to the floor. Sliding means that you reach a place where you are comfortable and the pulling sensations do not cause severe discomfort, then you wait until gravity itself pulls your body down and you drop another couple of centimeters. Next, straighten up and rest, repeat again. You will be surprised how quickly everything will work out in 3-4 days.
4) the entire exercise is on a slow exhalation
5) in the exercise you pull the back of the thigh, the calves are also felt, we are not afraid of the pulling sensations. WHEN SEVERE PAIN BEGINS, STOP! rest and try again after 5-10 minutes and slowly until you have enough breath to exhale.
6) no stars in front of your eyes, no “leads to the side.” All “special effects” talk about a weak vascular system and poor functioning of the vestibular apparatus, this is all training, the main thing is not to give up, but there is no need to jump over your head. Do the same exercise after you can do it while sitting (but while sitting you often need an assistant to press on your back, so it’s easier to do while sitting when you can already stand)
7) THE MOST IMPORTANT thing when bending over is that you should not feel panic or fear or tension. In other words, the main thing is to work with your thoughts, to understand that tilting and touching the floor is inherent in you by nature and scoliosis and other deviations will not interfere with you. It's all about practice. You don’t need to do anything by force, gravity itself will help you, if you relax during the process, your muscles and ligaments will respond with gratitude and greater flexibility. You yourself do 50% of the extra contractions of the body even when it is not necessary, simply thinking that there is no other way.

YOU know that the skeleton with the ligamentous apparatus can be stable without muscles, this is an ideal system that is balanced and returns itself to its place. Often, you yourself do not allow yourself to recover by forcing your muscles to perform an unnecessary function or by not using them enough, thereby preventing the “skeleton” from effectively performing its function. Thus, muscle overstrain deprives the spine of balance, further loading it by causing the muscle to “pull” the spine. A properly developed muscular frame with good ligamentous apparatus is the key to health and absence of pain and, as a result, youth.

Below are some yoga asanas (I don’t do them, but I think they wouldn’t be bad for general development)

Write what was difficult or simple. And who can sit like in the second photo from above, where

A simple exercise known to all of us since childhood, nevertheless it is very useful for our body, especially for the back! If you cannot bend down and reach the floor with your hands, then it is time to see a doctor and find out the cause of the problem.

Wise people say this: the more downward bends, the longer your life. And this is partly true, because by bending down, we stretch our spine, eliminate tension, this is an excellent prevention of back pain, if you have no contraindications.

What do standing forward bends give us:

.exercise improves the mobility of the hip joints and the flexibility of the spine,

Bends are an excellent workout for stretching the spine, knee tendons and hamstrings,

Exercise stimulates blood circulation throughout the body,


There are few contraindications for performing this exercise, but they do exist.

First of all, this is high pressure, at which it is strictly forbidden to perform any bending. These are headaches or cerebrovascular diseases. If you have problems with the spine, it is not recommended to bend over, but your physical therapy doctor should warn you about this.

There are many variations of forward bends from a standing position, and every gymnastics routine contains one or two exercises that include bending down. You can simply touch the floor, you can clasp your shins with your hands, you can combine jumping ups and bending, there are a lot of such exercises, you just need to start with bending. The technique for performing them is shown in the figure.

What should you pay special attention to?

.Feet should be shoulder-width apart.

Lower the body as you EXHALE, raise it as you INHALE.

Breathing when bending forward should be even, almost silent.

The lower back should maintain a natural curve, and the chest should be straightened.

When bending, you do not need to round your back, it should be straight.

At the bottom point you need to linger for 1-2 seconds, after which you rise up using the force of the gluteal muscles.

Remember, standing forward bends are a great way to keep yourself in shape, but you need to perform the exercise smoothly, without sudden movements, and never perform the exercise on a full stomach. I wish you health and success in performing downward bends!

Bend forward from a standing position with straight legs is performed from the starting position (hereinafter referred to as IP): standing on a gymnastic bench, legs straightened at the knees, feet parallel at a width of 10 - 15 cm. The participant performs in sports uniform, allowing sports judges to determine straightening legs at the knees.

When performing a test (test) on a gymnastic bench, the participant, on command, performs two preliminary tilts, palms moving along the measurement ruler. During the third tilt, the participant bends as far as possible and holds the touch of the measurement ruler for 2 s. The amount of flexibility is measured in centimeters. The result above the level of the gymnastic bench is determined by the “-” sign, below - by the “+” sign.

Errors (trial (test) does not count):

bending the legs at the knees;

holding the result with the fingers of one hand;

failure to hold the result for 2 seconds.

Flexion and extension of the arms while lying on the floor.

Bending and extension of the arms while lying on the floor is performed from the IP: lying on the floor, arms shoulder-width apart, hands forward, elbows separated by no more than 45 degrees, shoulders, torso and legs form a straight line. The feet rest on the floor without support.

The participant, bending his arms, touches his chest to the floor or “contact platform” 5 cm high, then, straightening his arms, returns to the IP and, having fixed it for 0.5 s, continues performing the test.

The number of correctly performed flexions and extensions of the arms is counted, recorded by the score of the sports judge in the IP.

touching the floor with knees, hips, pelvis;

violation of the straight line “shoulders - torso - legs”;

alternate extension of arms;

lack of chest touching the floor (platform);

spreading the elbows relative to the body by more than 45 degrees.

Participants perform flexion/extension of the arms while lying on the floor with or without the use of a contact platform, with a time limit of 3 minutes.

Pull-up from hanging on a high bar.

Pull-ups from hanging on a high bar are performed from an IP: hanging with an overhand grip, hands shoulder-width apart, arms, torso and legs straightened, legs not touching the floor, feet together.

The participant pulls himself up so that his chin rises above the bar of the bar, then lowers himself into a hanging position and, having fixed the IP for 0.5 s, continues to perform the test. The number of correctly completed attempts is counted.

Errors (the attempt is not counted):

pulling up with jerks or swings of the legs (torso);

the chin did not rise above the bar;

lack of fixation at 0.5 s PI;

alternate bending of arms.

When performing pull-up tests on a high bar, the participant is given a time limit of 3 minutes.

100m run

Running is carried out along the stadium tracks or on any flat, hard-surfaced area. 100 m run - from a high start.

In running, the “two false starts” rule applies.

Standing long jump with a push with two legs.

A standing long jump with a push with two legs is performed in the appropriate jumping sector. The participant takes the IP: legs shoulder-width apart, feet parallel, toes in front of the take-off line. A simultaneous push of both legs is used to jump forward. Waving your arms is allowed.

The measurement is taken along a perpendicular straight line from the point of repulsion with either leg to the nearest mark left by any part of the participant’s body.

The participant is given three attempts. The best result counts.

Errors (the attempt is not counted):

stepping beyond the take-off line or touching it;

performing repulsion from a preliminary jump;

pushing off with legs alternately.

Throwing sports equipment

For the test, a grenade weighing 500 g (7000 g) is used.

Throwing is carried out in a stadium or any flat area in a corridor 15 m wide. The length of the corridor is set depending on the preparedness of the participants.

Throwing is performed from a place or a direct run-up using the “from behind the back over the shoulder” method.

The participant makes three attempts. The best result counts. The measurement is taken from the throwing line to the landing point of the sports equipment.

Errors (the attempt is not counted):

step behind the throwing line;

the shell did not hit the “corridor”;

the attempt was made without the command of the sports judge.
