6 day weight training program. Six day split

With a slight delay, I am posting the continuation of my training program. I was pleased, I managed to quickly return to my previous rhythm of life. I spent a long time choosing which program I should pursue next, and reviewed various options. I settled on the hypertrophy training program from Dmitry Smirnov’s wonderful book “Fitness for the Smart” . If you are not yet familiar with this book, I highly recommend reading it, especially for beginners!

Hypertrophy training program

At the time of writing this article, I am doing the first cycle of the training program. Some exercises were new to me, but I did not have any difficulties in mastering them. Actually the program itself:

Day 1

Day 2

1 Close grip bench press (weight 10 kg less than Day 1 bench press)3 from 15 to 82011 DPV
2 Shwung press3 from 10 to 611x1DPV
3 Facial pull on the block3 from 15 to 62010 DPV
4 Barbell curl3 from 15 to 62011 DPV
5 Grip (1-2 exercises, except for biceps curls)2 in each- - -
6 HRC (1-2 exercises)2 in each- - -
7 Calves in a 45 degree machine4 from 15 to 101011 60 sec
8 Reverse crunches on an incline bench3 Maximum2010 60-90 sec

Day 3

What does it mean: repetitions from 15 to 2? You need to choose a starting weight so that you can perform 15 repetitions. Then, every week, increase the weight (2.5-10 kg depending on the exercise) and try to complete the same 15 repetitions. Every week (usually from 3-4 weeks) you will be forced to reduce the number of repetitions. This is normal, continue to increase the weight at the same frequency until you reach 2 repetitions (15 to 2).

How do I train?

Now I train in my free time from work, i.e. 2x2. My weekly microcycle looks something like this: Day 1, Day 2, rest 2 days, Day 3, Cardio Day, rest 2 days, Day 1, etc. On the day of writing this article, I started microcycle 3, I am recovering normally, but somewhere at the end of the first cycle, at 6-8 weeks, I will have the opportunity to increase the rest time between workouts. I plan to train every other day.

I start every workout with a warm-up. I always do cardio (3-5 minutes), then joint warm-up and stretching. During the warm-up, I pay more attention to those muscle groups that will be trained that day. At the end of the workout: interval cardio (without fanaticism, about 10 minutes) and stretching.

When I reach the final number of repetitions on the main exercises, I will move on to the next cycle. Thanks to Dmitry for detailing everything in his book and compiled several options for filling the workouts!

In this training program, I replaced only one exercise, “Plank supported by a fitball, feet on a bench,” with a simple plank from the floor. At this stage it is still difficult for me to do this exercise. Overall, I am pleased with the program and at the end of this cycle I will try to write my personal opinion and results. If anyone has any questions, I will try to answer in the comments.

Training program for all muscle groups 6 days a week.

Warning! If you are recovering for a long time, do not use this program often, otherwise you may end up overtraining...

This workout is designed for strong and resilient people, this training program qualitatively works all muscle groups, and after a few weeks you will already notice the results, the main thing is to rest a lot and eat well.

Weekly training schedule:

Monday. Exercises for hips and quadriceps.

  1. Squats with a barbell on the back. 6 sets of 10 times.
  2. Scissor squats. Perform eight 5 10 times.
  3. Squats performed with wide legs. 5 sets of 8 reps.
  4. Exercises on the simulator for bending and extending the legs. Perform 5 sets of 10 repetitions.
  5. Deadlift on straight legs. Perform 6 sets of 8 times.
  6. Snatch lift. Perform 5 sets of 8 times.
  7. Bent-overs with a barbell while standing. Perform 5 sets of 10 repetitions.

Tuesday. Exercises for the deltoid muscles.

  1. Bent-over rows using a wide grip (loads the rear deltoids). Perform 5 sets of 10 times.
  2. Dumbbell raises in an inclined position. Perform 3-4 sets of 10 times.
  3. Seated dumbbell or barbell press. Perform 3-4 approaches up to 10 times.
  4. Raising dumbbells to the sides. Perform 3-4 sets of 10 times.
  5. French press (dumbbell press from behind the head). Perform 5 sets of 10 times
  6. Seated dumbbell press. 3-4 sets of 10 times.
  7. Kettlebell row to the chin (loads the shoulder muscles). Perform 5 approaches up to 10 times.
  8. Pulling dumbbells forward. . Perform 3-4 sets of 10 times.

Wednesday. Exercises for shins, calves, abs.

  1. Barbell or dumbbell calf raises. Perform 5 sets of 10-50 repetitions until burning occurs.
  2. Barbell or dumbbell calf raises with a partner. Perform 5 sets to failure.
  3. Calf raises on the machine. Perform 5 sets of 15 or more times.
  4. Calf raises on a leg press machine. Perform 5 sets of 15 or more times.
  5. Lifting on the abdominal machine with weights. Perform 5 sets of six or more times.
  6. Raising legs while hanging on the bar. Perform 5 sets to failure.
  7. Crunches on a horizontal block. Perform 3-4 approaches until failure.

Thursday. Back exercises.

  1. Pull-ups on a horizontal bar with weights. Perform 5 sets of 10 times.
  2. Pull on the upper block to the chest with an L-shaped adapter. Perform 5 sets of 10 repetitions.
  3. Pull on the upper block with a wide adapter to the back of the head. Perform 3-4 sets of 10 repetitions.
  4. Bent-over barbell row. Perform 3-4 sets of 10 repetitions.
  5. Bent-over dumbbell row. Perform 3-4 approaches 15 times, on each hand.
  6. Row on a vertical block to the waist. Perform 3-4 sets of 10 times.
  7. Pullover. Perform 4 sets to failure.

Friday. Exercises for the chest muscles.

  1. Bench press on an incline bench. Perform 5 sets of 15 repetitions.
  2. Incline dumbbell press. Perform 3-4 approaches 15 times, on each hand.
  3. Bent dumbbell curls at chest level. Perform 3 sets of 10-15 times..
  4. Wide grip bench press from a lying position. Perform 3-4 approaches 10-15 times.
  5. Dumbbell press from a lying position. Perform 3-4 approaches 10-15 times.
  6. Lying dumbbell flyes. Perform 3 sets of 10-15 times.
  7. Reduction of forearms on the machine. Perform 4 sets to failure.

Saturday. Exercises for arm muscles.

  1. Barbell curls for biceps. Perform 5 sets of 10-15 repetitions.
  2. Lifting dumbbells for biceps. Perform 3-4 approaches 10-15 times.
  3. Lifting dumbbells for biceps from a sitting position on an incline bench. Perform 3-4 approaches 10-15 times.
  4. French overhead press. Perform 3 sets of 10 times.
  5. French bench press. Perform 3 sets of 10 times.
  6. French dumbbell press from a seated position. Perform 3 sets of 10 times.
  7. Pull on the block to the back of the head. Perform 4 sets to failure.

Sunday is rest.

After training, do a cool down, stretch the whole body, and don’t forget about proper nutrition.

Many males, having a desire to tighten their body, simply do not have the opportunity to visit the gym. The main reasons for this: lack of free time, financial aspect or the banal lack of a gym near the place of residence. In such cases, guys who have the drive to achieve what they want resort to an alternative to exercise equipment, using a weekly training program for men.

With this course you can pump up at home, but within reason. Great results can only be obtained from strength training in addition to using high-energy nutrition, for example, bodybuilding is based on this. By choosing such a program, you are on the right track in keeping your body in shape.

Young bodybuilders also take their first steps with such a program, because many are confused by their inexperience and lack of preparation before visiting the gym.

There are as many training programs at home as there are original exercises for gyms. So we will give further examples of several trainings in different directions.

Physical program “7 days”

The main fundamental of strength training such as this, bodybuilding, fitness, etc. – systematic execution and correct technique. To complete the exercises below you will need:

  1. Stool.
  2. Horizontal bar (mostly it is installed in a wide doorway).
  3. Collapsible dumbbells.

Before any workout or intended physical activity on the body, cardio training is required, taking no more than 10 minutes. It will help stretch your muscles and joints and prepare them for training.

Day 1-2. Legs and chest.

  • Lying on your back, we do crunches. 3 sets of 15 times, interval 1 min.
  • Lunges forward with dumbbells in hands. 4 sets of 10 times, interval 1 min.
  • Push-ups from the floor surface. 4 sets of 12 times, interval 1 min.
  • Squats with dumbbells. 4 sets of 12 times, interval 1 min.
  • Pullover. This exercise is done at home while lying on a stool instead of a weight bench, with dumbbells in your hands. 3 sets of 10 times, interval 1 min.

The entire strength training program for men is divided into 3 subgroups of exercises, performed several days in a row and in a circle, i.e. We perform the first block without overload for 2 days.

Day 3-4. Arms and back

  • Twisting in a horizontal position. Again 3 sets of 15 times, interval 1 minute.
  • Bending and extension of arms with a barbell. Perform while standing 4 sets of 8 times with an interval of 1 minute.
  • Wide grip pull-up. It is recommended to perform 3 sets of 15 repetitions by the head with an interval of 1 minute.

We also perform the exercises for 2 days.

Day 5-7. Shoulders and back

  • Dumbbell press in a sitting position. 4 sets of 8 times.
  • Dumbbell row to the chin. 4 sets of 10 times.
  • Row of one dumbbell in a 90 degree incline position. 2 sets with each hand, 8 times each.
  • Shrugs with dumbbells in a standing position. 3 sets of 15 times.

The interval between all the above exercises is 1 minute.

To correctly perform an exercise you are unfamiliar with, you can watch a video with detailed instructions.

Home fitness for men

Many young guys, seeing a picture of a beautiful male body, are looking for ways to hone their body. With the help of fitness exercises, such issues can be easily resolved and forgotten, but for the desired result, a lot of sweat will be required.

For a set of exercises in a weekly fitness training program for men, you should not purchase massive exercise equipment; first you will need the following:

  1. A horizontal bar that can be attached to a doorway or on a wall.
  2. Dumbbells. For beginners, 5 kilograms is enough for now.
  3. Jump rope.
  4. Sloping board.

As always, before training, both at home and in the gym, you need to do a warm-up. Breaking this rule may result in injury.

To quickly achieve your goal, namely getting a beautiful and healthy body, you should exercise every other day. Thus, the body has time to strengthen and rest from stress. Before you start exercising, carefully plan all your workouts for the week.

Exercises for different muscle groups.

  • Biceps and shoulders. Dumbbell rows in a standing or sitting position. 3 sets of 10 times each.
  • Breast. To pump up your chest, you need to do vertical push-ups, also 3 sets of 10 times.
  • Stomach. Pump up the press 3 times 15 times.
  • Legs. Pump up your legs, as in the bodybuilding program - squats 15 times in 3 approaches.

After a few workouts, it is possible to increase the number of approaches +1, but not dramatically. Don’t forget, there is one main rule in the fitness program - a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition!

Workout program for weight loss

There are simply an endless number of weight loss programs for men and, most importantly, the demand is not falling. After all, most modern professions involve sitting at a control panel or computer, which provokes the accumulation of fat, leading to excess weight.

Almost all residential areas have sports complexes, and we will lose weight on these machines. To get a beautiful and toned body, we only need to have dumbbells and the goal of achieving results.

Day 1

  • We pump the press on the horizontal bar in a vertical position, holding the crossbar with our knees. 3 sets of 10 times.
  • Leg bending in a horizontal position on a bench. 3 sets of 10 times.
  • Bench push-ups. 3 sets of 10 times.
  • Vertical dumbbell deadlift. 3 sets of 10 times.

Day 2

  • Forward lunges using dumbbells.
  • Leg extension, use a simulator for the exercise.
  • Horizontal push-ups with a wide grip.
  • Curling arms with dumbbells.
  • Deadlift with dumbbells.

Perform all exercises 10 times in 3 approaches.

Day 3

  • Twisting in a vertical position.
  • Leg press.
  • Stepping behind a bench with dumbbells.
  • Dumbbell flyes in a lying position.
  • Press.

All exercises should also be performed 10 times in 3 sets.

In this mode, train in a circle, but you should take a day off between training.

Bodybuilding style week program

There is no need to sit in the gym to exercise. To complete the following exercises we will need:

  • dumbbells;
  • horizontal bar;
  • a bench, if absent, can be replaced with a stool.

The basic component of Bodybuilding is a balanced diet, well-chosen nutritional supplements and physical activity. We will look at the exercises for the week.

  • Raise the dumbbell to the biceps in a standing position. 25 times and so on for 5-7 visits.
  • Exercise “hammer” - 25 times / 5 sets.

Dumbbells need to be selected so that you are physically able to perform this exercise in full.

Day 2. Pectoral muscles

  • Push-ups – 25 times / 7 approaches.
  • Push-ups with legs on a bench/stool – 25 times/5 sets.
  • Push-ups – 25 times / 5 sets.

Day 3. Shoulders

  • Seated dumbbell press – 20 reps/6 sets.
  • Dumbbell lateral raises – 20 reps/5 sets.
  • Lifting a dumbbell in front of you – 20 times/5 sets.

Day 4. Back

  • Pull-ups – maximum/5-6 approaches.
  • Dumbbell rows in the bend of the back 25 times / 6 approaches.
  • Shrug with dumbbells – 20 times/5-6 approaches.

Day 5. Triceps

  • Close-grip push-ups – 20 reps/6 sets.
  • Reverse push-ups from a bench – 30-40 times/4 sets.
  • Extension of arms alternately with a dumbbell – 20 times/4 sets.

Day 6. Legs

  • Rhythmic squats with dumbbells 20 times/5 sets.
  • Dumbbell rows in a standing position - 20 times / 5 sets.

The Bodybuilding training program for men requires rest breaks, so you can do exercises for 2 days and rest on the 3rd. It is recommended to visit a massage therapist and sauna on weekends. Bodybuilding, like any strength sport, requires an increase in protein and carbohydrate intake, as well as a maximum reduction in fat intake.

This type of sport should be practiced in more depth in a specialized “bodybuilders” club, so they will help you create a diet and choose the optimally healthy program based on the parameters of external data

Remember, regardless of the program, be it bodybuilding or fitness, muscle growth occurs during rest, not training. This means you need to rest and sleep at least 8 hours a day.

Don't forget: Proper balanced nutrition is the key to your success!

Video: how many times a week should you train?

Video: is it possible to train every day?

Such a parameter as the frequency of visiting the hall is of exceptional importance. Its correct definition allows you to achieve maximum hypertrophy, avoid catabolism, and prevent overtraining of all body systems. And too wide use of the body’s adaptive capabilities usually leads to the opposite of the desired effect. Most people get extremely negative results, systematically exceeding the threshold of the body's adaptive capabilities.

What is the optimal training frequency?

In theory, the optimal training frequency is defined as the arrangement of activities at the so-called peak of supercompensation. Then the training session can provide the necessary level of “good” stress and will contribute to the development of the necessary physical qualities. The only problem is that supercompensation of various systems (muscular, cardiovascular, nervous) is a different point in time, and the optimal frequency must be determined so as to wait for the restoration of each of the systems to the required extent.

The average supercompensation values ​​for strength training are:

  • strength mode, 1-5 reps. Muscles recover from 12 to 36 hours, if the time under load exceeds 15 seconds - up to 76 hours or more. The higher the level of the athlete, the more time should pass between workouts. Beginners can do strength training after one full day. The central nervous system recovers in about 24 hours for an average-level athlete and longer for a more experienced athlete; the hormonal system can recover up to 5 days, especially if cortisol is elevated due to stress;
  • “hypertrophy” mode, time under load from 20 to 40 seconds. Muscles recover from 36 to 72 hours, sometimes sources indicate larger numbers. Nervous system - about a day; opinions differ regarding the hormonal system. Most sources indicate that it is better not to train the same muscle group for hypertrophy more than 2 times a week, since the hormonal system cannot recover faster;

How to determine the optimal training frequency for yourself

It is usually recommended to monitor the state of the body according to the following parameters:

  • quality of sleep. If sleep disturbances occur after training, you are working out too much and you should reduce the frequency of going to the gym;
  • appetite. A decrease in appetite under high loads is a sure sign of overtraining; it is also better to reduce the frequency;
  • state of strength indicators. If you exercise taking into account the figures given above, but your strength indicators do not increase, but fall, the frequency must be reduced. At least during the first year of training, strength should increase linearly;
  • progress in achieving goals. Obviously, if you do not see hypertrophy, or are not losing weight, there is something wrong with your training, including the frequency or quantity

Optimal training frequency for weight loss

Those losing weight are advised to differentiate between cardio and strength training. You should not perform excessive strength training to avoid catabolism. Without pharmacological support, 2-3 workouts per week are considered optimal, containing basic exercises in a strength (not hypertrophy) mode to preserve muscles. And cardio training in a regular or interval style almost every day. It is also possible to use circuit training in machines or with free weights; there can be at least 2 such sessions per week.

Those losing weight can go to the gym more often, but should not do an excessive amount of strength work.

Optimal training frequency for gaining weight

When training for weights, it is important to ensure rest; the classic approach recommends that you go to the gym every other day, and work so that one muscle group is not trained more than 2 times a week for a beginner and 1 time a week for an experienced athlete. If methods of increasing training intensity are used, less frequent training is also allowed.

Exercising too often

Exercising too frequently while gaining weight can result in a lack of progress due to too much stress on the hormonal system. Training plans designed for athletes with pharmacological support are especially dangerous in this sense if they are used by natural training athletes. You should differentiate between these indicators, and avoid too frequent and voluminous training to prevent catabolism.

Exercising too frequently in weight loss plans is usually fraught with exhaustion of the nervous system and changes in appetite. In most cases, this leads to a breakdown in dieting and is therefore counterproductive. You should carefully approach the amount of training, and reduce it as your body condition changes and your caloric intake decreases.

Too infrequent training

Usually, training too infrequently also leads to a lack of progress. The reason is an insufficient level of training load. In terms of weight loss, this can lead to a lack of progress, or to too much loss of body weight due to muscle tissue and negative changes in appearance. For those who are gaining weight, training too infrequently can lead to an increase in fat rather than muscle mass, so you should also be careful.

Six day split
is a mass-gaining training program that allows you to qualitatively work out all muscle groups, although, of course, it is necessary to highlight priorities in any case. The bottom line is that although a six-day split allows you to pump up all muscle groups, since the adaptive reserve is not rubber, the athlete has to adjust his training in such a way as not to drive himself into overtraining. This is why athletes who use drugs that accelerate recovery so often train; for those who train without the use of supplements, we recommend including in split training not only hypertrophy, but also those that pump up your functional qualities.

The six-day split in its classic version allows you to break the body into 6 main muscle groups: legs, chest, latissimus dorsi, longus dorsi, shoulders and arms. If you want to highlight some priority, then you can combine some muscle groups. For example, if you want to specialize in legs, then your split will look like this: Monday - heavy quadriceps training and light hamstring training, Tuesday - chest and middle deltoids, Wednesday - latissimus dorsi and posterior deltoids, Thursday - long muscles back and lower legs, Friday - hard training for the hamstrings and light training for the quadriceps, Saturday - arms, Sunday - rest.

If you also want to use a six-day split to work on functional qualities, then you should simply take a three-day, four-day, two-day or five-day split scheme, and include functional training on the remaining training days. It is worth noting that with such a training scheme, the results in hypertrophy of muscle fibers will be lower than with the pure use of one of the schemes listed above. It’s understandable, the more specialized work you do, the faster you develop the skill being trained, but in the long term the final potential is lower. For example, if you train only for hypertrophy, then your muscles will grow faster, but you will quickly hit your genetic ceiling, since untrained ligaments will limit muscle innervation and, as a result, further progression of loads will become impossible.

Rules six day split

– this is a parameter characterizing the maximum load, this parameter is usually used in powerlifting and is calculated from the personal maximum in a competitive lift for repetition. In this case, we are talking about achieving positive failure, when the athlete is no longer able to perform a single repetition without breaking the technique or with the help of a partner. During a six-day split, a straight pyramid is used, where the athlete increases the working weight from set to set, while only one “failure” repetition is allowed in the last approach. At the same time, “failure” is not at all necessary in all exercises, for example, in isolating exercises it is not at all necessary, but in basic exercises that stimulate strength indicators and ensure progression of loads, the last repetition in the last approach should be “failure”.

KPSh is an abbreviation for the number of times the barbell can be lifted, or, more simply put, training volume. This indicator, in combination with intensity, allows you to manipulate the magnitude of the load, that is, in essence, use microperiodization. In this case, it is recommended to use 3 to 5 working sets, starting with 12 repetitions per set and ending with 6. For intermediate sets, you can use any number of repetitions from 6 to 12, but we recommend gradually reducing them and increasing the working weight. The point is that you can perform, for example, 4 sets of 12 repetitions with less weight than performing the final approach of 6, and this is too big a “step” that limits your final result. The fact is that the larger the “step”, the worse the muscle innervation, since the central nervous system simply will not allow the creation of a nerve impulse of sufficient strength.

Diet - this is the main recovery factor that ensures muscle growth, although you should take into account that without 8-9 hours of sleep a day, it is almost impossible to recover, even with the help of very competent nutrition. In general, the diet is quite simple, you need to eat as much as possible, the main thing is to eat no less than the minimum. Usually everyone pays attention to the amount of protein, which should be 1-1.5 grams per kilogram of body weight. This parameter is often overestimated because it is beneficial for sports nutrition manufacturers, but in fact, what is truly important is the amount of carbohydrates, which should be 3-5 grams per kilogram of body weight. Fats should make up about 10-15% of the total diet, but they do not need to be counted, because if you eat meat, fish, use sunflower or olive oil, then you get it in sufficient quantities. The only thing worth paying attention to is fish oil, which we recommend that you take 2-3 times a year for a month.

Specialization - this is prioritization when you train one muscle group more than others. A six-day split allows you to use specialization, but you should take into account that although all other muscle groups can theoretically be trained with the same intensity, nevertheless, since the adaptation reserve is limited, you should reduce the load. The priority muscle group is trained twice a week, dividing the workouts in such a way that on one training day you give more load to one part of the muscles of the priority muscle group, and on another training day to another part of it. The legs are divided into training the quadriceps and hamstrings, the latissimus dorsi into rows and rows from above, the chest into the lower and upper parts, the arms into biceps and triceps, the shoulders into the middle and rear deltoids. You can also specialize in the long back muscles, but it looks different, this is a strength program for working on deadlifts. One way or another, no matter how you group the muscle groups, you must consistently train the antagonist muscles, for example, after the chest, the latissimus dorsi muscles.

Classic six-day split


Barbell squats – 4 sets of 12-6 reps
Leg press – 4 sets of 8 reps
Hack squats – 4 sets of 10 reps
Romanian deadlift – 4 sets of 12-6 exercises
– 4 sets of 12 reps

Tuesday- breast
