How many minutes a day to walk to lose weight. How much walking per day should you do to improve your health, train your heart and spine, to lose weight: benefits, tips, types of walking, calorie consumption, set of measures

Challenger found out where the stereotype about 10,000 steps a day comes from, how long you should walk, and why the number of kilometers you walk doesn't really matter.

The theory about the need to walk 10,000 steps (about eight kilometers) every day comes from Japan. Inventor Yoshiro Hatano patented the first electronic pedometer in the 60s, calling it Mampo-kei, which translated into Russian means “10,000 steps.” There are several opinions about why Yoshiro chose this particular number, but there are no scientific studies proving the benefits of this particular number of steps. Most experts agree that 10,000 steps is a successful marketing move, which, by the way, immediately justified itself. Less than two months had passed since the pedometer became the No. 1 purchase in Japan, and all residents of the Middle Kingdom could no longer leave the house without taking this simple device with them.

Today, the medical community is skeptical about the 10,000 steps theory. The rhythm of life of the average Japanese in 1960 was very different from the lifestyle of a modern person. For comparison: the number of calories consumed per capita in Japan in those years was approximately 2,630, and the average resident of a million-plus city in 2011 “ate” about 3,630 calories per day. In addition, for many people who do not engage in sports, walking at least 5,000 steps a day is already a problem, and at 10,000 they are unlikely to be solved. Therefore, scientists agree that such a universal approach does not work, and the number 10,000 simply scares people away. And doctors are afraid that a person who fulfills the conditional norm of 10,000 steps may well decide that in terms of nutrition there is no longer any need to control himself, and after each walk he will eat a hamburger “with a clear conscience.” Obviously, in this case there is no benefit from the kilometers traveled. But nevertheless, all the super popular fitness trackers advise taking exactly 10,000 steps a day. Is it worth it to blindly follow these recommendations? We asked the honored coach of Russia and talented doctor Igor Zavyalov to tell us.

Igor Zavyalov

specialist in the field of sports and space medicine, a legendary doctor who works not only with athletes (he was a doctor and functional training coach for the Russian national basketball team, PBC CSKA, football Dynamo), but also with people from the Forbes list

I encourage all my patients and students to proceed from the simple principle: “Do no harm,” therefore the main criterion for any action is, first of all, safety, and only then the possible benefit. Based on this judgment, walking is the safest type of exercise, since the likelihood of disrupting the biomechanics of movement and causing harm to joints and ligaments is significantly lower than while running. So, I suggested to one of my patients, an ardent opponent of sports, walking as an alternative to exercise. His office was located on the 12th floor of an 18-story building, and, naturally, he used the elevator to get to his workplace. As a result, he and I came to the conclusion that every day, before coming to his office, he walked several times from the first to the top floor and only after that sat down to work.

Walking uses a lot of muscles, and the more muscles involved in the movement, the more benefits it brings to the body. But when I hear about 10,000 steps, I immediately have questions. Why exactly 10,000 and not 15,000? What should the pulse be? What surface should I move on? I am convinced that it is incorrect to talk about any specific number, since the primary importance is not the quantitative component of physical activity, but the qualitative one, and it is determined not by duration, but by the intensity and level of training of each individual person.

Fitness trackers are undoubtedly a good thing, but they also need to be used wisely, independently assessing your condition and clearly controlling fatigue. Regarding the load, I recommend that all people who do not suffer from serious illnesses walk at the intensity at which they can talk comfortably. And if your health allows, then the load can be increased. But, I repeat, for this you need to carefully monitor your feelings and control the degree of fatigue. And this is all very individual.

It is no coincidence that they say that movement is life. Lack of physical activity leads to disruption of the coordinated functioning of all body systems, obesity and premature aging. How much walking do you need to do per day to stay alert for a long time and get rid of extra pounds?

What are the benefits of walking?

Physical inactivity occurs in the absence of sufficient physical activity and leads to various disorders in the functioning of the respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive and musculoskeletal systems. To restore normal functioning of the body, you do not need to sweat for hours in the gym. The simplest and most accessible way for everyone is walking.

How many kilometers a day you need to walk depends on the person’s health status. You can start literally from a few hundred meters - as long as you have enough strength. Gradually increase the pace, distance, time.

The benefits of walking are enormous:

The musculoskeletal system is strengthened;

Metabolic processes are normalized;

The oxygen content in the blood increases;

Blood and lymph circulation improves;

The heart is strengthened;

Blood pressure is normalized;

The tone of the whole body increases;

Blood plasma cholesterol and sugar levels decrease;

The work of the liver, intestines, and digestive organs is stimulated.

In addition, walking allows you to get rid of stress, improves brain activity, tidies up the nervous system and promotes the production of endorphins - the hormones of happiness.

How much walking do you need to do per day?

Walking is a universal means of healing and strengthening the body. It is especially good for people weakened by illness or age and pregnant women. Doctors believe that to generally strengthen the body, you need to walk 5-6 km every day at an average pace - neither fast nor slow. When driving at a speed of 5 km/h, it will take 2 hours.

Where can I find time for this? The easiest way is to go to work and come home from work on foot. In any case, you can simply go out one or two stops from your place of work or home.

How much walking a day should you do to lose weight? To start the fat burning mechanism, you need to increase your speed to 6 or 7 km/h and move without stopping for at least an hour. If the weight is too heavy, then you can start with a half-hour walk.


Many people elevate walking to the rank of a panacea, which can cure the body of many ailments, both existing ones and those that are just “planned” (closer to old age). True, not everyone thinks so. Should we rely on walking and expect miracles from it? Hmm... now we will try to determine whether the benefits of walking are as great as medical scientists claim.

Yes, yes, it is scientists who “trumpet” the enormous benefits of walking. But for some reason ordinary people doubt this. And that's why…

How much walking do you need to do per day to lose weight?

Oddly enough, most conversations about the benefits of walking begin with this question. Apparently, this is why the number of people who want to walk is still not so large.

After all, in order to lose weight, you need to walk not at a stroll, but as if the last train is leaving you, and walk 20 kilometers to get home. Although 20 kilometers in this case may be preferable.

To start the mechanism of getting rid of excess weight, the average speed of a person when walking should be 6-7 km/h. At the same time, you need to walk at this pace not for 3-5 minutes, but for half an hour or an hour. Because walking for weight loss or health is a full-fledged physical activity, which should make you sweat (this is one of the main conditions). With this approach, there is a real chance to lose a couple of kilos in a month without gyms, hardware and other equipment used by athletes in the fight for a beautiful and healthy body.

If a person’s walking speed is lower, then at best he will become a little more resilient, and at worst he will simply get tired and quit classes without seeing a positive effect.

So, how much should you walk to lose weight? The bigger, the better. The main thing is that the muscles begin to work actively, the heart rate accelerates and the sweat flows in a stream.

For reference: professional walkers lose up to 5 kg of weight for every 50 km of fast walking. So there is something to strive for.

What is the average speed of a person when walking?

We said above that the benefits of walking appear at a speed of 6-7 km/h (and this is already close to running). But! There is one nuance in walking that does not fit into the rules stated above - different people have different step widths. And this radically changes the approach to measuring a person’s walking speed. After all, even walking in place can make the whole body work, and this, by the way, is 0 km/h.

In fact, the average speed of a person when walking should be measured not in kilometers, but in steps per minute. By the way, this is how professionals who practice physical therapy recommend measuring walking speed.

For further convenience, let's classify the average walking speed of a person based on the number of steps taken in one minute:

As you understand, constantly counting steps is a thankless task, you can’t fasten a speedometer to your feet, and you won’t be able to drive a bicycle next to you all the time. This means you have only two options: get a pedometer or stop thinking about the number of steps and walking speed in general. The first option costs money, albeit small, and gives some motivation at the initial stage of training - constant verification, and pride in 7000, 9000, 10,000 steps a day... But it is still better to regulate the intensity of walking according to your well-being - there is less chance of overworking.

10,000 steps to health and longevity

If you still have doubts about whether walking is beneficial, here is the official opinion of the British Department of Health: you need to take 10,000 steps every day. In Japan, people also follow this rule, which is probably why this nation has an average life expectancy of about 82 years, while Russians live to an average of 67 years.

By the way, taking 10 thousand steps a day is quite simple, because each of us goes to the store, to work, to the car, around the house - this is an average of 2-3 thousand steps. The rest needs to be completed separately, and it is advisable to speed up the pace. As a result, in half an hour or an hour you can easily reach the daily norm of 10,000 steps.

What are the benefits of walking?

The benefits of walking are multifaceted and affect the entire body, not just the legs. Even an average walking speed forces the human body to work at a completely different level, and the higher the pace, the more interesting it becomes. To be fair, it should be said that everything that walking can do can’t be put into one article (unless a whole book would consist of just one article), and therefore we will speak briefly and only about the main thing.

Let's start with the spine, which has a very extensive nerve network and thereby affects our entire life. In addition, thanks to a straight spine, all organs occupy the correct positions. So, if you walk a lot, the tissues of the joints and vertebrae are strengthened and massaged. This is due to the fact that when the muscles are tense, blood gets to the most difficult places, enriching everything around with oxygen, and the gentle “swaying” of each vertebra creates the effect of a light massage.

Walking (especially fast walking) has a positive effect on all organs, saturating them with oxygen and at the same time expelling toxins and poisons from the tissues.

If you walk regularly and at a good pace, the likelihood of developing problems with the heart and blood vessels is sharply reduced. Cholesterol leaves the body and blood pressure normalizes. Even oncology and osteoporosis recede if you walk a lot.

And, of course, the weight loss mentioned above takes place.

So, once again: is walking healthy? Definitely yes! Just half an hour a day will help:

  • relieve stress (at least some of it);

  • strengthen muscles and bones;

  • reduce the risk of vascular diseases and deal with blood pressure;

  • regulate blood sugar;

  • to be alone, after all (more on that below).
This list is provided specifically for additional stimulation of people who really want to start walking, but cannot muster the strength. And, of course, the benefits of walking don’t end there (and this is for those who don’t seem to have any problems, but want to do something to make sure they don’t get sick with anything terrible).

When, how much and how to walk

The first and main rule: the intensity and duration of walking must be adequate to the state of health.

Start gradually, do not chase quick results, because you will “burn out” and quit on the third day (figuratively). Moreover, at first it is better to walk longer than faster. This way you will have endurance, which over time is very easy to “attach” speed to. After 2-3 months of regular walking, you can easily increase your average speed to 110-120 steps per minute (you should aim for 130-140 steps per minute).

By the way, about regularity: it is advisable to walk a lot and often. Ideally, every day for an hour, but here you look at your own workload and strive to get closer to the standard. If there is a long break, start with small loads and gradually raise the “bar” again. Otherwise, you can harm yourself.

It is useful to walk on an “empty” stomach, that is, an hour and a half after eating (more is possible).

The maximum benefit of walking occurs when the spine is in an upright position and the shoulders are spread to the sides. In no case should you slouch, as the position of the internal organs and their stimulation while walking depends on this. Learn to walk gracefully and upright.

Proper breathing is equally important: inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Try to get into a rhythm with your walking, your breathing should not be confused and chaotic, this is not healthy. For this reason, it is recommended to walk silently.

Theoretically, you can breathe through your mouth, but this is only if you have water with you and you are in a warm climate far from city smog and road dust.

If you are short of breath, slow down.

Walking in place

As we noted above, a person’s walking speed is not everything. After all, even standing still you can be tortured half to death (even though we don’t need this). So let’s say a few words about walking in place.

So, if you don’t have the opportunity or desire to go outside or on a treadmill (it’s 30 degrees outside, you’re embarrassed for some reason, etc.), then your choice is walking in place. The procedure looks something like this:

  • don’t be shy about vigorously waving your arms;
  • raise the knee high;
  • We don’t knock our heels on the floor – we step on our toes.
The number of steps per minute and walking time will be completely different here, so pay attention to how you feel.
Advice: use walking in place only in extreme cases; a full-fledged road is always preferable.

Walking up the stairs

By the way, in bad weather, recreational walking can be replaced by walking up the stairs. Again, here the pace and duration will not be the same.

If walking up stairs, and physical exercise in general, is alien to you, then you should start by climbing one or two floors (2-4 flights) at a time, after which you should rest until your heart rate and breathing stabilize.

At first, you don’t need to step over the step - methodically “count down” each step, stepping on your toes. And when you can climb to the 10th floor (or what is your maximum there?) in one go and without shortness of breath, you can “jump” over the step.

And forget about the railings. You need to walk up the stairs until you get tired, but don’t overdo it, otherwise you’ll overstrain yourself.

Optimal heart rate when walking

An integral part of healthy walking is the control of heart rate (pulse), and at the same time breathing. And if with breathing everything is simple: shortness of breath begins - you need to rest, then with the heart rate everything is somewhat more complicated.

To monitor your heart rate, you should have a stopwatch and the following formula:

220 – your age – 50 = the maximum permissible heart rate that is safe for your health.

To prevent the benefits of walking from turning into harm, you need to fall just a little short of the maximum mark, otherwise you will damage your heart.

Walking shoes

There are few recommendations here, but under no circumstances should they be neglected. After all, if the average speed of a person when walking exceeds 3-4 km/h, there is a real chance of “rubbing” something or even damaging something.

Therefore, to avoid injuring your leg bones and spine, you should choose your walking shoes wisely. These should definitely be sneakers with soft shock-absorbing soles (especially in the heel area). In this case, the central part of the shoe should bend well.

Be sure to select shoes that are the right size so that your foot fits snugly and does not slide around on the insole.

What is healthier: walking or running?

It is impossible to give a definite universal answer as to which is healthier, walking or running. Therefore, we will answer briefly - everything has its time.

To make it easier to start...

Over time, in a month or two... When you feel strength in your body, when after training peace and harmony come to you, and not fatigue and the desire to give up everything, you will understand that everything was not in vain, since you can live fully and with pleasure You can only have a healthy body.

Health is the most valuable thing a person has. You should always take care of it, without waiting for problems to appear. The most accessible way to improve your health is walking. In this article we will analyze the usefulness, types and principles of walking.

What are the benefits of walking?

The benefits of walking can hardly be overestimated; they can:

  • Strengthen the health and general condition of the body.

Studies show that it helps reduce the likelihood of developing heart and vascular diseases by three times.

In addition, thanks to an active lifestyle, bones are strengthened, blood pressure is regulated, muscle tissue is toned, and sleep patterns are normalized.

By walking for several hours every day, you can reduce the risk of cancer in the mammary glands and eliminate pain in the lumbar region, which was previously chronic.

  • Partially replace sports and help reduce excess weight.

Walking increases your heart rate, which increases blood flow and improves oxygen supply to your muscles. While walking, calories are burned 5 times more than when at rest.

  • Extend youth.

Aging is associated with a high level of special proteins in the body, which contribute to the development of inflammation and all kinds of “age-related” diseases. By walking every day, you can reduce the amount of such proteins and maintain youth for as long as possible. Brisk walking increases a person's life expectancy in a ratio of 1:2, that is, by walking for 1 hour you can get an additional 2 hours of life.

  • Cheer up.

The benefits of walking, even for half an hour, are the effect of raising self-esteem, having a positive effect on mood, distracting from negative thoughts and energizing. By taking walks in the fresh air, there are all the prerequisites to get rid of impending depression. This happens due to the release of endorphins and neurotransmitters during the release of adrenaline.

  • Increase brain functionality.

Mental performance improves as neural connections become stronger. The benefits of walking manifest themselves not only in the left hemisphere, which is responsible for analytical work, but provides a wide field for the realization of creative potential. It has been experimentally proven that the ability to generate ideas increases by 60%.

  • Save money.

A pleasant bonus to all the advantages of walking will be that they are “free”. Apart from comfortable walking shoes, there are no longer any restrictions; they do not require financial investments. There is no need to buy a subscription or pay for the services of a trainer. All it takes is a little effort to turn walking into a daily hobby.

What types of walking are there?

There are many varieties of walking. Among them:

  • walking in place;
  • on foot;
  • Scandinavian;
  • sports;
  • energy;
  • up the steps.

Let's take a closer look at some types.

On foot

A person walks all his life, this is his physiology, unless, of course, there are serious health problems.

The main thing in this type of movement can be called gradualness and frequency. Graduation involves starting with shorter, slower walks and gradually increasing the time interval and speed.

Discounts must be made for health status and age. So young and healthy people should focus on speed of movement, and older people should focus on duration.

By frequency we should understand the preference for systematic walks, since walking “from time to time” will not bring the expected result.

The main benefit of walking is the improvement of the whole body as a whole. Walking can significantly improve your well-being and improve your quality of life.

Nordic walking

This variation consists of moving with the support of two ski-like poles. When walking, you should push off slightly from them.

The benefits of Nordic walking are:

  • improving the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • enhanced ventilation;
  • strengthening muscle tissue.

In order not to harm your health, you should choose the right poles. Their size is calculated by the formula: P*K, where P is the athlete’s height, and K is a constant coefficient equal to 0.68.

Race walking

This style of walking is characterized by speed. You must try to move at the highest possible speed. In this case, you cannot start running, that is, at any time one of the feet must touch the surface of the ground.

The benefits of walking in a sports style are ensured by a general strengthening effect on the body; with such movement, a person gets tired much less than when running.

Girls should pay special attention to race walking, because it helps create beautiful feminine contours of the figure.

How to practice walking correctly?

You need to be able to walk correctly. It's not just about rearranging your legs and moving in space. For walking to be beneficial, it is important to follow some rules.

Is a warm-up necessary?

Before you start walking, as well as sports or Nordic walking, you should prepare your muscles for the load. To do this, you should do at least a minimal warm-up. It may include the following groups of exercises:

  • Initial.
    • swing your legs;
    • shallow squats;
    • jumping in place.
  • Intense. Includes muscle stretching exercises:
    • wide steps with body fixation;
    • springy squats.

What pace to keep

Healthy walking involves several speed modes:

  1. Slow. Is no more than 3 km/h. This type is recommended for use by people with poor health or during the period after illness.
  2. Average. The speed can vary from 3 to 4 km/h. Preferred as an initial stage for untrained people who do not yet have experience.
  3. Fast. The speed can increase to 5 km/h. Recommended for people who do not have health problems.
  4. Very fast. A person moves 6 kilometers in 1 hour. Suitable for healthy, physically developed and trained people.

How to finish

You should not stop walking without preparation. Just like before starting a walk, you should do several gymnastic exercises. In this case, it will be moderate walking and exercises to relax muscles that were overstrained during the walk.

Who shouldn't walk?

The benefits of walking are great, however, there are conditions when, unknowingly, you can harm your health. Contraindications include:

  • Recent surgeries. There is a risk of sutures coming apart and increased pain due to increased physical activity.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • The presence of pathologies in the musculoskeletal system. Short walks are only possible with the permission of the attending doctor.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Development of infectious processes.

How long should you walk every day?

To stay healthy, you need to walk every day, not every now and then. To begin with, when traveling to work or home, it is enough to get off early, at a stop earlier than necessary.

Nowadays, there is a huge amount of sports equipment and nutritional supplements for weight loss. However, walking is still one of the best ways to get rid of extra pounds.

If you have seriously decided to lose weight by walking, then first you need to buy a pedometer. Moreover, in stores you can find fairly inexpensive pedometers, with which you can find out how much distance you have covered in a day.

Using a pedometer, you can also find out how much you need to walk per day to lose weight. First, you need to find out how much distance you walk every day, and only then you can calculate how much you need to walk per day to lose weight.

This way you can find out how much distance you need to increase your daily walking. Only after this your extra pounds will begin to disappear.

For example, a pedometer showed that you walked 5,000 steps during the day without gaining any calories. Next, using mathematics, you calculate how much distance you need to cover to burn the accumulated calories.

How many kilometers do you need to walk per day to lose excess weight? The average human step length is about 80 centimeters. Using calculations, we come to the conclusion that there are 1250 steps in one kilometer.

By walking one kilometer, the average person gets rid of 60 calories. If you walk a kilometer more during the day, you will already burn about 120 calories.

If, for example, you walk three kilometers in a day, you will burn 195 calories. If you walk this distance every day, you will burn 1,365 calories in a week. Here everything will depend on your diligence.

It won't take you much effort if you add at least a kilometer to your daily walking. Instead of the elevator, go up on foot, unless of course you walk 20 floors. Try to use your car less.

It will take you no more than an hour to cover 5 kilometers. Working out in the gym takes much longer, but daily walking will not only help you lose weight, but also improve your heart function.

Calculate the number of steps for losing weight

How long do you need to walk to lose one kilogram in a month? It was said earlier that there are approximately 1250 steps in a kilometer.

In order to lose a kilogram in a month, you need to walk at least 5 kilometers every day, that is, approximately 6250 steps. This count is without reducing your daily calorie intake.

You can lose a kilogram in one week, but this will require you to reduce your calories by 200-300 per day. This will create a calorie deficit, which will help you lose those extra pounds.

It is important to know!
If you have set yourself the goal of losing weight through daily walking, then for best results, use strength training several times a week.

Many girls think that strength training will make them ugly and muscular. This is a misconception because girls do not have large amounts of testosterone, which is what helps men build muscle.

Moreover, strength training will make the girls’ muscles elastic and beautiful, and the extra pounds will go away. Strength training can be tailored to your fitness level.

Be sure to stretch after walking

From this we can conclude that daily walking will help you get rid of unwanted pounds. And if you combine walking with strength training and diet, you can achieve incredible results, since you will burn calories even if you are resting.

How to walk 10,000 steps a day and how will this help in the fight against extra pounds? If you walk 10,000 steps every day, can you feel in good shape? Of course you can!

Constant walking will not only form a beautiful body, but will improve your health indicators.

If you increase the number of steps taken every day, then your body becomes active. If you have just started your fitness routine, then with daily walking you will improve your physical fitness.

This will help in the future for tough training sessions. If you are not new to fitness, then walking will still be useful. It will help get rid of the negative consequences for the body that are acquired from a sedentary lifestyle.

Thus, walking not only benefits physical fitness, but also improves health.

The effects of walking on health:

  • Walking normalizes blood pressure.
  • The risk of cardiovascular diseases is reduced.
  • Blood sugar levels decrease.
  • The risk of cancer is reduced.
  • The tone increases.

Walking does not have the side effects that running can have. Running often leads to various injuries, while walking, on the contrary, normalizes the condition of the body.

For a beginner athlete, walking will be the safest form of exercise.

If, for example, you train for an hour every day and spend the rest of the time in a sedentary state, then such training will be of little use. In this case, walking is the best helper, since you have to move more often.

We have already written above about the daily number of steps in the amount of 10,000 thousand, especially since many experts recommend doing exercises in this way.

But for a beginner this is not the best start to training. A beginner needs to start with fewer steps and increase every day.

Studies have shown that on average an adult walks almost 6 thousand steps per day. This is an average as most people go through much less.

Therefore, you cannot immediately start walking 10,000 steps so as not to harm your body. It is best to add several hundred steps per day and gradually move towards the 10,000 mark.

A few more ways to count the number of steps taken:

By minute: On average, a person can walk 1.5 kilometers in 15 minutes, but it all depends on the length of the step.

By number of steps: to walk 8 kilometers you need to take about 10,000 steps, so to walk 1.5 kilometers you need to take at least 2,000 steps.

It's most convenient to use a pedometer because you don't have to count the number of steps in your head and you can fully concentrate on your training plan.

Using mathematics, it turns out that you will need to spend at least 80 minutes to travel 8 kilometers. According to calculations, we conclude that the kilometer will be covered in 10 minutes.

Please remember that these are averages and may differ from yours.

Pedometer Information

It should be noted that not all pedometers can accurately read the number of steps. In most cases, pedometers only count steps forward. A study found that pedometers only count 70% of steps. This is not a small amount. Steps back and to the sides do not count.

Is it possible to replace walking with other exercises?

Walking can be difficult due to unfavorable weather conditions, especially in winter. Therefore, you can do home cardio walking. To study this in more detail, you can watch several videos of Jessica Smith for curiosity:

  • Home walking 1.5 kilometers
  • Step walking
  • Walking at home without shoes for half an hour

Is walking alone enough?

This raises the question, how much to walk a day to lose weight? And are 10,000 steps enough for this? The answer to this question depends on your physical fitness.

If you are a beginner, then start by gradually increasing your steps, this will make it easier for you to get involved in the training process.

After your body gets used to training, you need to move to another level. You can already start doing strength training to avoid losing muscle mass.

Be sure to stretch to reduce the risk of injury. Walking combined with other workouts will give you both an external and internal shape.

Daily Walking Programs for Losing Weight and Improving Health

We've found that walking, combined with stretching and strength training, can help you shed those extra pounds. In addition, a sedentary person increases the risk of heart disease.

The question immediately arises: how to take up walking? How much walking do you need to do to lose weight? Is there any training program?

Fitness expert Chris Powell has developed a walking program that can help you lose weight and improve your health. The program lasts four weeks. Thus, during this time you will put yourself in order, and in the future you will reduce the risks of contracting various diseases.

Four week program

1 Week

  • 1 day: Use a pedometer to count how many steps you take in a day without exercising. This is the average number of steps you take per day.
  • Day 2: Add at least 500 to your average number of steps. Until the next addition of steps, maintain the resulting number.
  • Day 3: When walking, always set the goal to reach a visual marker - a pole, a store, a house, etc. Keep the visual mark in your field of vision until you reach it. Using this scheme, it will seem to you that you have gone less than you really have.
  • Day 4: While walking, always think about what motivates you to exercise. Motivate yourself even during rest to stay on your toes.
  • Day 5: To prevent back pain while walking, spend 5 minutes daily training your corset muscles.
  • Day 6: Take an active walk around the shopping center.
  • Day 7: Increase your steps by a thousand.

2 week

  • Day 8: Increase your pace by listening to fast music while walking. Your workout will be easier.
  • Day 9: Place your training shoes near the exit from your apartment. This will serve as additional motivation.
  • Day 10: Increase the number of steps by 1500.
  • Day 11: Listen to your favorite music to help keep you motivated to exercise.
  • Day 12: Use spacing. Thanks to this, you will be able to burn more calories. Walk at a fast pace for the first minute, then at a calm pace for two minutes. Repeat several times.
  • Day 13: If you lack inspiration, then walk around the room from side to side. It is believed that such walking will help improve creativity.
  • Day 14: After dinner, take a walk. Share your walk on social media. It is believed that this also promotes weight loss, because there is an additional incentive.

3 week

  • Day 15: Increase your number of steps by two thousand. Thus, it turns out that you are already walking one and a half kilometers more than on the first day of training.
  • Day 16: Take a short break mid-walk. During your break, do some stretching. The stretch should be aimed at the calf muscles.
  • Day 17: When talking on the phone, try to move more.
  • Day 18: Try to walk outside even if the weather is bad. This will ensure your progress is not derailed.
  • Day 19: Use different intervals while walking. Reduce your walking pace to one minute. One minute fast pace and one minute calm. Repeat for at least 20 minutes, more if possible.
  • Day 20: Increase the number of steps by 2500.
  • 21 day: Use the home walking in place we talked about earlier.

4 week

  • Day 22: Ask a friend to accompany you on your walk. Invite only cheerful and active friends for a walk. Together you can achieve results faster.
  • Day 23: Listen to an audiobook while walking. Listening to an audiobook will help you strain not only your muscles, but also your brain, and your workout time will go by much faster.
  • Day 24: Increase the number of steps by 3500.
  • Day 25: Walk up instead of the elevator. It will take you about two extra minutes to reach 5 floors. This will help you burn even more calories.
  • Day 26: If you need to cover a distance of no more than two kilometers, then refuse transport. Walk this distance at a fast pace. Not only will you burn extra calories, but you will also save money.
  • Day 27: Increase your number of steps by four thousand. Thus, you now cover a distance of three kilometers more than on the first day of training.
  • Day 28: Instead of walking, try running a couple of kilometers at your normal pace. This is necessary to discharge the body.

If you walk a certain distance at a normal pace, then you will undoubtedly spend part of your time on this, but this is nothing, better think about how much stronger your body will be after physical training.

Now you know that walking will really help not only lose weight, but improve your health.

Is there any daily norm?

One of the most popular ways to lose weight is definitely walking. Moreover, walking allows you to lift your spirits, relax and have many other useful bonuses.

Of course, you shouldn’t expect huge results right away (losing 10 kg per month is unlikely to happen).

To a question like “How much walking do you need to do per day?” there is no clear answer. It all depends entirely on what result you want to achieve. First of all, you need to create a program for yourself.

For example, if you had a more sofa-like lifestyle, then we recommend that you do not take long walks; you can start with the simplest thing: a half-hour to an hour walk.

In this case, you can start without a pedometer. At the same time, even with such modest walks you can feel the result. In this case, the newbie symptom is triggered.

Achieving significant results is possible by maintaining a pace of at least 6 kilometers per hour. Moreover, the duration should be 40 minutes or one hour.

As for where it is better to go hiking, it should be noted that here everyone chooses suitable conditions for themselves. Some people like to walk around the city.

Others prefer the gym and use a treadmill for this. The above norm will allow you to achieve some results if you take such walks at least 4 times a week.

Of course, if your ultimate goal is weight loss, then we recommend combining it with yoga, Pilates and other exercises.

At the same time, be sure to pay attention to your own well-being. If you do not feel good during training, it is better to either slow down or stop altogether.

Exercising at the expense of your well-being will not give you any significant results. If you are worried about overloading your body, consult a trainer.
